Monday, October 18, 2010

What You Need To Know About Fish Allergy

On the past few years, people all over the world have become conscious of their health. Because of this, many people prefer to consume fish over red meat such as beef or pork. Truly, fish is a part of a sound  diet since fish has  protein and even contain omega 3 fatty acids that are suitable for good cardiovascular health. Unfortunately, as much as many  people choose to consume fish such as tuna, salmon, herring or any great-tasting fish – fish allergy is an obstacle.

Fish allergy is a  type of  seafood allergy that many individuals suffer from. Actually, this type of allergy is similar to seafood allergy where other crustaceans or mollusks can start allergic reactions. A person with fish allergy may continue eating shrimp, squid and other seafood delights. Fish allergy happens because the body reacts to a particular protein found in certain types of fishes such as tilapia, tuna, salmon, cod, pollock etc. Aside from tasting fish, even inhaling smoke when preparing fish like frying or grilling can trigger an allergic reaction.

Fish allergy is inidicated by the following symptoms: itching, skin rashes, and respiratory problems such as difficulty in breathing. However, the most common sign of fish allergy that shows within 2 hours of consuming fish is “oral allergy symptom”. This starts when the mouth feels a tingling sensation especially in the lip area. Furthermore, digestive disorder can also occur such as diarrhea and vomiting which needs medical attention. But among these fish allergy symptoms, constriction of air passageways is the most dangerous since the person will have difficulty in breathing. The allergy can even lead to  anaphylactic shock wherein blood pressure falls and the person can become comatose. Epinephrine treatment is the only remedy when shock happens. In case you or your loved one displays mild symptoms of fish allergy,  avoid eating any type of fish.

However,  some dish prepared with fish sauce such as Asian or Mediterranean cuisine can lead to starting fish allergy when dining out. A practical  way to avoid this is to not order dishes coming from such special cuisine.

Fish allergy seems trivial but must not be taken lightly, in the first place one’s health should never be compromised.

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