Friday, November 11, 2011


Fingerprints & palmistry:

“Identical twins have fingerprints that can be readily distinguished on close examination. However, the prints do have striking similarities. In fact, before the arrival of modern genetic testing, similarity of fingerprints was often used to determine whether twins were identical- or fraternal twins.”
Hand analyst Ed Campbell present on his website Fingerprints & Palmar Dermatoglyphics: a comprehensive article about the basics of fingerprint analysis + a detailed analysis of the historic palmistry literature.
The article includes the following:
  • The history of fingerprints, palmistry and character identity

  • What psychological characteristics are related to the fingerprints according palmists?

  • Ed Campbell’s fingerprint studies and observations

  • The physical dermatoglyphic development of fingerprints

  • Dermatoglyphic studies in health and psychology
  • Palmistry Screenshots

    "MB Free Palmistry requires you to input various information about your hand and will display various information about yourself."

    Hands up for prosperity

    "The lines are not written into the human hand without reason; they come from heavenly influences and man’s own individuality." (Aristotle, De coelo et mundi causa)
    Palmistry – the art of reading character and life events from the palm lines and hand shape – has a colourful history and has always attracted much interest as a method of ‘fortune telling’.

    Much of the mystery stems from the fact that every hand is unique – from the skin ridge patterns that cover the palm and fingertips to the set of crease formations we all know as the palm lines.

    Traditional palmists divided the discipline into ‘chirognomy’ (the study of character from the shape of the digits and the palm), and ‘chiromancy’ (the interpretation of the lines, usually for predictive purposes).

    Modern palmists study the size, shape, texture and colour of the hands. The length, depth, course and position of the lines are also examined and assessed.

    Some palmists consider the nails, knuckles and back of the hand to be an additional source of information.

    The emergence of palmistry in the last 70 years as a serious study has largely been due to the introduction of scientific methods, and the efforts of researchers to establish links between skin patterns and disease.

    Science has discovered that palm lines and skin ridge patterns are formed in the womb, appearing on the hand by the fifth month of foetal development.

    A psychological approach to interpreting character from the hand has also evolved over the last century. Many modern palmists now call themselves hand analysts.

    Modern palmists recognise that the lines on the hand can alter over time and these developments reflect changes that we have made to our attitude, health or lifestyle.

    Few people now believe that the hands reflect an unchangeable destiny for their owner.

    In turn, the attitude of palmists to ‘prediction’ has altered. They now look at the hand in terms of future possibilities and encourage clients to be more self-determining.

    A good palmist will look at hand shape, the fingers, major lines and fingerprints to become acquainted with a client’s character, needs, motivations and methods.

    Through this assessment, he or she can ‘predict’ by understanding their client’s reactions to past events and anticipating the responses to new life challenges.

    Our hands are registers of past experiences, as well as living symbols of our lives and attitudes in the present.

    Hands show who we are at this moment in our lives, and how our combined actions and reactions in the past have led to us being the person we are now.

    With a sound knowledge of hand reading, we can recognise hidden talents and understand where our strengths lie, diagnose recurring themes in relationships, and pinpoint our expectations of others.

    By interpreting the language of the hand, we have an immediate ‘aerial view’ of our journey in life: a road map of our individual life path.

    Palmistry can zoom in on the important aspects of our travel, make us aware of alternative routes, and prepare us for the exciting road ahead. Frank Clifford
    Palm Line Reading

    he reading is done through the lines and mounts on the dominant hand, which the person uses in order to do the majority of her/his daily routine jobs like writing, eating, throwing et cetera. The other hand is believed to carry the past life or the karmic information.

    Zodiac Signs Palm Reading aka Palmistry

    Palm reading aka palmistry is a discipline of fortune telling by a fortune teller through palm line reading. Also called chiromancy, chirology and hand analysis, its history can be traced back to as ancient a period as that of the Hindu sage Maharshi Valmiki - the author of the famous epic cum the most popular religious book of the Hindus named Ramayana - who wrote about the subject as jyotish (Sanskrit) around 5,000 years ago in India from where it spread to China, Tibet, Egypt, Persia and to other countries in Europe.

    Modern contributors to the discipline have also been working since as long back as 1839 when Captain Casimir Stanislas D'Arpentigny published La Chirognomie, followed by Adrien Adolphe Desbarolles who published Les Mysteres de la Main in 1859, by Katherine Saint-Hill who founded Chirological Society of Great Britain in 1889, by Edgar de Valcourt-Vermont who founded American Chirological Society in 1897, by Count Louis Hamon (famous as Cheiro) who published Cheiro's Language of the Hand in 1894, by William Benham who published The Laws of Scientific Hand Reading in 1900, by Charlotte Wolff who published many works between 1936 and 1969, by Noel Jaquin who again published many works between 1925 and 1958 contributing to scientific chirology, and by Arnold Holtzman who worked a lot onRead Your Own Palm

    Your love line, also known as your heart line, relates to all the emotions and situations that are associated with love. This line is above your head and life line. It begins under your index or middle finger and extends toward your pinky.
    • If the line starts directly underneath the index finger, then you are content with your love life.
    • If your line begins right below the middle finger, this indicates a selfish and materialistic outlook when it comes to love.
    • A line that begins between the middle and index finger signifies that you give your heart away too easily.
    • If the line is straight and short, you have a high sex drive and aren’t particularly concerned with romance.
    • If the line points downward and touches your life line (which is on the bottom), then it’s easy for you to have your heart broken.
    • A line that is long and curvy indicates that you freely express your emotions and feelings.
    • A love line that is straight and parallel to the head line indicates that you have a good handle on your emotions.
    Variations on the love line
    • If your love line is wavy, you may have a slew of relationships and lovers, but a lack of serious relationships.
    • A circle on the line refers to a time of depression in your life. Likewise, a broken heart line indicates emotional trauma, as does a heart line with smaller lines crossing through it.
    • Smaller lines that stretch above the heart line are reflective of happiness in love, but lines that stretch down from the heart line indicate disappointment.
    Palmistry Report

    he “Amazon Palmistry TOP 100″ presents a mix of old & new books about classic palmistry (including famous authors e.g.: William G. Benham & Cheiro) & modern palm reading (including respected authors e.g.: Richard Unger & Nathaniel Altman). Interestingly, palmistry & hand analysis experts from the ‘Global Palm Reader Network’ are provided the opportunity to send their ‘votes’ (positive AND negative!), in order to establish an additional RANKING for those palm reading & hand analysis books which present the highest ‘quality’ – as defined by the individual experts in this field!

    Learn about Yourself

    The science of palm reading has been prevailing in the world since time immemorial. The palmistry says the exact character of the human being. It also says you the depth of your wealth, potentiality of health, career and business, love and marital life as well as your intellectuality. Palm reading reveals your disease and life span. This unique science of palmistry particularly originated in India and spread all over the world. The science of hand reading fascinates everybody. This science can easily increase your social circle if you know this scientifically. Palm reading can recognize anyone very easily if the person belongs to rich or poor, labor or intellectual class, soft or harsh spoken. So to speak, a successful palm reader is able to understand the mentality and heart of any person. The amazing science of hand reading can easily predict the suicidal tendency of any unknown human being.
    Palmistry Diagram

    An Introduction to Palmistry / palm reading diagram
    When we open up our palms, we can see that there are many lines and creases in our palms. Many will always ask what are the meanings behind these lines and creases. Do you kow that these lines can reveal al lot more about you than you can imagine. / palm reading diagram
    Palmistry is an art that dates back to many thousands of years ago. In the olden days palmistry was used as a form of divination to tell about the past and future of a person. However, in our modern society, that is driven by science and practicality, telling about the past and future can be something that is viewed as too superstitious. Thus many palmist or palm reader has turned this form of art into something that is more scientific and also towards reading the human psychology. / palm reading diagram
    When you look at your own palms, you can undeniably see a lot of differences between your palms and your friends' palms. If you can do some measurement, you will see the differences in terms of the shapes and sizes. Your fingers may be longer or shorter, your palm may be longer or shorter, your lines can start from different points or end in different points. It is with all these differences that we tell the differences in the personality from a person to another. / palm reading diagram