Thursday, November 4, 2010

All About Construction Equipment Management

To manage is to oversee, to control, to direct, or to guide. It is the same thing when you talk about construction equipment management. It is the right way of managing resources like construction equipments owned by a construction company. When supervising, you have to identify what motivates people so you can increase productivity. It maybe very basic but there is a lot of substance into motivation.

Construction equipment management is maximizing the right production levels at the least cost per hour, over the longest period of time, while obtaining the highest sales value at the end of the life of the equipment. This is accomplished through effective construction equipment management.

The equipment in a construction company can go up to one-third or one-half of a construction company’s corporate assets. The cost of owning an equipment combined with operating expenses beats other expenses in a company. Usually, it is covers the highest expense in a construction project, far more costly than labor and material costs. This makes effective construction equipment management even more important to earn more profit in a certain project. Total owning and operating cost of all equipments must be very minimal to give the construction company a competitive advantage.

A good construction equipment management must have a carefully planned and well-executed program. One step is the proper selection of construction equipment. This translates to buying the right equipment that matches job conditions, premium grade, and has the lowest total cost. Lowest total cost includes having the highest production while maintaining minimal operating cost and lowest investment cost. Buying equipment that entirely depends on its price or production seldom results in lowest total cost.

An effective construction equipment management can draw the line between a profitable company and a losing one. Today, firms, especially, construction companies because of the problems they have been facing, are trying to minimize expenses. Successful construction companies are always looking for ways to increase profits, reduce maintenance and operating expenses, optimize utilization, and minimize downtime. This can be accomplished through sound construction equipment management.

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