Thursday, November 4, 2010

Construction Equipment Theft - How Is It Possible?

Most people do not believe that it is possible to steal construction equipments because one, it is very big and complicated to operate, two, it is very recognizable on a busy street. What they don’t seem to realize is that construction equipment thefts are pretty easy to pull off due to so many reasons. As a matter of fact, It has become awfully common in US, Canada, Japan and Europe. This is the reason why people must be conscious if a construction equipment theft is happening.

It is easy to steal construction equipments because most of them do not have doors or locks to protect it from criminal minds. This is why thieves can easily hi-jack construction vehicles. Plus, people have no means of knowing if the equipment is driven by a thief. It can also be easily disguised which is why they can become unrecognizable to many people.

Thieves are attracted to steal these equipments because of the high price it commands in the black market. Generators alone may costs a whopping 150,000 dollars while a forklift can cost as much as 12,000 dollars to 50,000 dollars. Since construction sites have a lot of these equipments, this can mean big money for them. Criminals are fond of stealing construction vehicles because they are always parked out in the open and often in not heavily secured places.

The severity of the problem is something that should not be ignored as well. Back in 2008, Japanese statisticians found out that around 450 construction equipments got stolen that year. Meanwhile, the National Insurance Crime Bureau of the United States found out that almost 1 billion worth of construction equipments are stolen and sold to the black market every year.

To date, various government agencies and construction equipment manufacturers are doing their best to discover advanced ways to prevent construction equipment theft. In United Kingdom, there is a construction equipment registration system that makes it easier for authorities and companies to recover stolen equipments.

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