Thursday, November 4, 2010

Strategies For Weaning Off Pacifier

As a parent, you need to be conscious of the period where weaning off pacifier will become completely essential to make certain that your infant will not be able to go through the downsides of utilizing pacifiers in an excessive amount.  However, you should also know how to do it properly so that your baby can successfully quit his or her pacifier.   Below are some of the tips for this job.

You should have a schedule for the usage of your pacifier.  By doing this, it will be possible to regulate the quantity of time that your infant utilizes this infant item.   It will warn you if you’re already making your baby use his or her pacifier way too much.  Considering the fact that you cannot stop your baby from using his or her pacifier all at once, this can become the most effective weaning off pacifier technique. If you attempt to try the cold turkey approach, chances are, you’re just going to make your baby cry and throw tantrums a whole lot more.

You could also dip the pacifier in foul-tasting foods.  Make sure that these foods are non-toxic for babies though. Also, make sure that you don’t dip it too much in order to avoid any unfortunate events.

You may also consider cutting the pacifier a little so that your infant will not have the ability to utilize it appropriately.  Air will escape in the hole that you will make thus making it highly uncomfortable to use for babies.  This can help your baby associate the pacifiers to an unpleasant experience which will make your baby want to quit his or her pacifier voluntarily.

Consider presenting brand new and fun toys to your infant. By doing this, you can draw attention away from from thinking of the pacifier.   Additionally, this can enhance your infant's likelihood of discovering something which may replace pacifiers, a thing that your infant won't be required to put in his or her mouth.

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