Monday, November 22, 2010

What You Need To Know About Car Painting Prices?

You may be considering painting that second-hand car you bought. Or maybe your old car looks like it could do with some rejuvenation. Regardless of the reason, a car paint job is going to cost you some money. Presently, car painting prices can range from several hundred dollars to several thousand. So understanding the real deal in car painting prices can help you decide what a reasonable amount really is.

The most reasonable determinant is the size of your vehicle. Car painting prices for small compact cars will have comparably reduced prices than great big Hummers. This is not just because of the amount of paint required but also the labor and time involved in getting the paint on.

Car painting prices will also vary depending on how much area has to be covered up or removed before the painting process. These are some areas that you want unpainted like decorative items as well as the given parts like windows, bumpers and lights.

Are you getting a different color from the existing one? If the color is not the same, the old paint will have to be stripped completely before the new coat can be applied. This involves substantial labor and will certainly drive up the car painting price.

When it comes to the actual painting, the quality of the paint will affect the car painting price. High-end, good quality paint that endures peeling or flaking will fetch a higher price than lower grade material. The number of layers of paint will also add up to the car painting price. For a enduring paint job with a deeper shine, several layers are required, meaning more paint will be consumed.

Last but not least, and most likely, the most important element: labor. A good paint job requires a lot of preparation and care and attention to details. This is the reason behind different car painting prices. If you are getting quality labor, you have to pay top-end prices but you will certainly be delighted with the results. Plus, if you are requiring specialized work done or any kind of customization, this would definitely increase the car painting price.

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